So... What is Divine Mommy?

So... What is Divine Mommy?

Great Question!

Is Divine Mommy is an organization? Kind of…

Is Divine Mommy is a Movement? Yeah, that sounds good…

Is Divine Mommy a Goddess Group? That feels like we’re getting closer…

What feels even more like a fit is: Divine Mommy is a way of life.

I mean, of course it is for me because I started the whole thing. But really, Divine Mommy is a way of being. It’s a way of relating to ourselves with unconditional amounts of compassion and love. It’s a consistent choice to regard the whole world around us and within us as utterly and completely Divine. Living this way isn’t always synonymous with the ‘easy’ path, but it is always, always a path filled with self-awareness, self forgiveness, self-acceptance, and self-understanding.

Divine Mommy is about intuition and empowerment. This work dives deeply into a resonance with and a respect for our cyclical and psychic wisdom. It’s also about cultivating a deep, profound connection to Mother Earth, Mother Moon, our Inner Wisdom, and our Inner Knowing.

Divine Mommy is Sisterhood.

Divine Mommy is Magick!

A Divine Mommy way of being is a living embodiment of the Divine Feminine. A living embodiment that also embraces the inherent energies found within the Sacred Union of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.

Now… all of what I wrote above can sound pretty serious and in need of a lot of mental clarity, not to mention energy and stamina. Don’t worry! I’ve got it covered. Really, this work is easy-peezy because the knowing is already within us. Our souls remember everything and this collective wisdom of our Inner Goddess is right below the surface our of consciousness. All we have to do is re-remember… together… while engaging in playful, pleasurable connection.

Seriously, Sister. Get in touch.

If Crystals, Cards, Oils, Candles, Moon Water, Goddesses, and Chakras get your Higher Self’s engines revving, this work is for you.

If transformation through releasing what is no longer serving you, eradicating the wounding patterns of the past, and recreating high vibe belief systems based in personal sovereignty and personal peace is your thing, this work is for you.

Give a read to the following testimonial from a Divine Mommy University 101 Sister:

“In a world of deadlines, playdates, and digital demigods, I found Divine Mommy to be my sanctuary. It was my place to go within, to refill my cup while also empowering me to hold space for my fellow sisters. A year ago, when I started Divine Mommy University, I had no idea as to what I was walking into. If I had known, I probable would have sprinted in the door, rather than tippy toeing. Each week, my heart was ripped open and sealed back together with the golden light of love and acceptance for myself - which is something I’ve never had before. Wounds were healed and strengths were solidified. The sisters I have met in this group have come from all walks of life. I know that I can all on any one of them to hold me when I am weak and to celebrate me when I am strong. And I love that I get to do the same for them! For this, I am forever grateful. This past year has been one of the hardest and most gratifying both personally and professionally . I have no doubt that without Divine Mommy, I would not have thrived. Today, I am still thriving and I know I will continue to do so.”

How does all of this come together as an offering to be shared with you?

It comes together through the Divine Mommy Groups, the one-on-one sessions I offer to individual clients, couples, and small groups, and the ‘Soul to Sisterhood’ book.

My way of doing things may not be exactly aligned with your way. That’s OK! I believe this is just a wonderful gift of our uniqueness. Yet, together, I have faith that we will find a way to step into an energy of empowered transformation. And that is an energy of the Greatest and Highest Good for you, for me, and for all living things.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you’d like, you can head to the ‘offerings’ page of the website and learn more about the Divine Mommy Part 1 and 2 Curriculum as well the Divine Mommy University Curriculum. If something interests you, let me know. Or perhaps you’d like to co-create a way of working together. I’m up for that, too.

More Group work will be offered soon. Be sure to follow Divine Mommy on Facebook ( and Instagram (@divine.mommy) for updates.

If you would like to chat about what the individual work might look and feel like, drop me an email.

And, if you are interested in learning more about the book, head on over to

With intentions for peace, love and bliss….

Namaste Sisters.



Photo Credit: Kristine Casart

