Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
The 101 and the 201 Sacred Circles are available for individual and small group journeys with Jamie. Soon, this material will be available via a self-study format. In-person and Online Groups will be coming back in 2024. Be sure to join the mailing list and follow Divine Mommy on Social Media for updates and pop up events.
“After our YoniVersity Group, I relate to myself as a Goddess amongst Goddesses!” -Martha R.
“If you feel ready to step deeper into your priestess path, ready to uncover more of the magick of the great Goddess… if you desire to connect to your Ascended Masters and want to uplevel your consciousness and embody more of your true essence - Divine Mommy YoniVersity 201 is for you.” - Madi A.