Soul-to-Sisterhood Chapter Four
This Blog features Soul-to-Sisterhood Sister Goddess, Krissy.
Krissy’s Story is in Chapter Four of the Book and wait until you hear some of her wisdom.
As you read, remember the mission for Soul-to-Sisterhood:
) You are NEVER Alone.
) Self Care for Yourself IS Self Care for Your Sisters.
Spending some time with Krissy today and the Themes and Sacred Play Suggestions that her shared authenticity has inspired, know that her strength holds the mirror up for you to witness your own.
“One of the scariest things imaginable has happened to me and I have lived through it. I am still here.”
Loss. It’s scary. The grief. The pain. No one would choose it. For Krissy, it was the loss of a baby. A most excruciating thing to bear.
So often I hear women express their deep wells of grief and sadness and yet, still there seems to be a general reticence to share the depth of our experiences. Thankfully, Krissy’s courage offers us permission to talk about our sadness.
Grief isn’t transformed on a timeline. Big feelings deserve big attention and nobody but us knows how long that is going to take.
Think about it. How do you really feel about feeling sad? I had to sit with this the other day. I was feeling big grief about a situation and during two different conversations, I started to cry. The emotions were intense and my body was not letting me stuff them. I even said out loud both times, “I am not going to apologize for my feelings.” Yet, I still sort of wanted to. I caught myself thinking after the fact that I shouldn’t have cried. Looking underneath that thought, I realized that somewhere deep within me I equate feeling sad to being powerless.
Does this resonate?
If we aren’t taught how to feel our feelings… if we aren’t given a model for acknowledging them, processing them, and integrating them, then we are not going to be able to understand that feeling and being are two totally different things.
Reading Krissy’s story, I am reminded that transformation is a Superpower and we are all sheroes who possess this magick.
“Thinking about my baby and remembering him helps me to see the good that has come out of this situation.”
One of the three Themes inspired by Krissy’s Story is:
Finding the Helpers
The painful things we go through during our Earth Walk can harden us. They can leave us feeling alone and isolated… believing the narrative that opening ourselves up is what got us hurt in the first place.
The truth is, when we are hurting we need connection more than ever.
Krissy tells of a Guardian Angel presence that held her through the darkest hours of her time in the hospital. What about you? How have you allowed the helpers into your heart when you needed it?
Maybe there are still some helpers waiting in the wings? How can you continue to soften and let them in?
One of Krissy’s Sacred Play Suggestions is titled, Source’s Story.
In this SPS, we step into our Source Self and retell our story from Source’s Perspective. This level of meta awareness allows us to see and vision the Greatest and Highest Good for all situations. It isn’t easy and it’s not meant to be. Maintaining a Source perspective asks us to release our individual consciousness and step into the Web of Oneness where all is connected and all is Divine.
When we are ready, it is here that we can access our deepest recesses of Inner Knowing. This knowing doesn’t take the pain away, but it can help to make sense of things that seem beyond our human capacities for understanding.
“Day by day, I am listening to my heart and I am teaching my children to do the same.”
There is so much potential within the Soul to Sisterhood book to gently reframe perspectives and find self-acceptance. Reading Krissy’s quotes here is a small piece of her transformational process. Get the book and go through her entire Story. With genuine warmth, Krissy reminds us that we can heal.
All of the 36 Chapters in the book correlate to a Crystal. The ‘medicine’ shared by each Sister connects us to the medicine offered from the Crystalline Realm. Whether you love Crystals or not, you can find a Crystal Love section in S2S that resonates with you. Krissy’s Crystal is Quantum Quattro, a rare stone that is a combination of several other Crystals. This Stone reminds us that - like us - as a whole it is much stronger than the sum of its individual parts.
Breathe into this shared wisdom.
Breathe into your own sacred wisdom.
And remember… you are not alone.
Let’s stay connected. Sign up for the newsletter. Follow Divine Mommy on Social Media. Or get in touch to book a one-on-one session. There are so many ways for us to support each other.
Like always, get your arms around your own shoulders and squeeze.
Hug yourself for all that you have done, all that you are doing, and all that you will do.
Have a great day!