Full Moon = Full Rebirth

Full Moon = Full Rebirth

When the Moon is Full, we know it. We feel it. Our minds may be focused on other things, but our hearts and Souls always feel Her. We feel her throughout every moment of every day because our connection to her is cellular and timeless.

Take a moment right now, and with your hand on your heart, connect into Mother Moon. Since her Full Phase is most familiar to us, see her full, pregnant belly, awash with light, illuminating the path so that you may dance in your complete authenticity.

Feels good, doesn’t it?

No holding back. No questions. No need for explanations or apologies.

Just you being your glorious self, lit by the light of the Moon.

Now think about the Moon Sisterhood. This is the energy of every woman who has ever lived and looked up at Her. This is the legacy of every woman who has walked Mother Earth before us, who walks with us, and who will walk after us. Pause for a moment, and imagine that profound connection to every woman throughout all time and space. Feel the Mother-love, the Sisterhood, and the dynamic empowerment of our Blood and Birth magick.

Sometimes a simple reset into these Feminine Energies is enough to help us feel rejuvenated. To remember our herstory is to remember a Divine Heritage of women supporting women throughout the ages and that system of care includes the love we receive from Mother Earth and Mother Moon. What would it look like right now for you to stop what you are doing and return that love?

Try it. Send love back through the bloodline of your ancestors. Now send it forward to all those who will come after you. Send it up into the Heart Space of Mother Moon. Send it down into the Central Womb of Mother Earth. How does that feel?

The rebirth opportunities of our Full Mother Moon are ours and all we have to do is tune-in and turn-on to these parts of our consciousness.

Mother Moon connects to us in so many ways. Her Lunar Phases correlate with the Phases of our Menstrual Cycle. These both correlate with the four Archetypes of Womanhood: Crone, Maiden, Mother, and Enchantress. And all of this connects to and dances with the Seasonal Cycle of Mother Earth.

Is it any wonder that we are so naturally inclined to feel with the cosmos?

Thinking of ourselves in this dynamic way, can we collectively reclaim the narrative around our beautiful and powerful - not to mention WISE - intuition?

Ladies- this is our birthright! This is why we feel a drumbeat in our bellies. This is why we can’t stop ourselves from wanting to dance around a bonfire. This is why we want to sing and dance together… to create and birth together… to weep and rage as one. This is what makes us want to HOWL at injustice, to parent our children from instinct, and to stand firmly rooted in the sovereign knowing of our empowerment. Our Souls and our cells remember this Oracular Medicine Woman lineage.

Our Full Mother Moon reminds us of all of this and she does it in a way that is nourishing, gentle, and compassionate. We are protected under her gaze, and although the release through the rebirth may feel intense, she reminds us that we are never alone. She invites us in to look at how we can create, collaborate, and commune with ourselves… and that means ALL of ourselves. She says, “I see your Shadow and I see your Light… and I honor them both equally as part of YOU.”

Feel her complete acceptance and let those ethers tendril down to hold your heart as you, too, cycle through the never ending birth, life, death, and renewal process.

You are Enough, Sister. You are the I AM. You are You. You are Me. I am You. And We are We.

We are never alone because: We are One.

Love you!



Plants and people may grow. by the light of the sun, but plants and people stand in witness to their growth by the light of the moon.

Soul-to-Sisterhood Chapter One

Soul-to-Sisterhood Chapter One

