Soul-to-Sisterhood Chapter Three
This blog features Soul-to-Sisterhood Sister Goddess, Liz.
Liz’s Story is in Chapter Three of the Book and wait until you hear some of her wisdom!
As you read, remember the mission for Soul-to-Sisterhood:
) You are NEVER Alone.
) Self Care for Yourself IS Self Care for Your Sisters.
Spending some time with Liz today and the Themes and Sacred Play Suggestions that her shared authenticity has inspired, know that her strength holds the mirror up for you to witness your own.
“It hasn’t been easy to be honest about this toxic behavior towards myself, when I have done so much ‘self-help’ type of work. So, I’ve started small and shared with a few good friends. In doing this, in trusting those who are trustworthy, I’ve discovered that there is nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Who else’s inner voice could use a tune-up? Think about it, a lot of us don’t treat ourselves so nicely and it’s our ‘best-kept-worst-secret.’
Why aren’t we talking about this more?
Why aren’t we sharing about what is really going on inside of our heads when it comes to how we relate to ourselves? Sometimes I find that when I give words to what I’ve been feeling and sensing, it grounds me. I feel empowered. I can deal with that internal-critic in more open and loving ways versus wanting to hide her in shame. Once I share and the sky doesn’t fall on my head, it’s all out in the open, and I get to decide how to integrate my feelings (with some pats on the back, of course) and release the negative story that created them in the first place.
Win-Win... right?
That is what Soul-to-Sisterhood is all about. We can authentically be ourselves and know that we are not alone. We can authentically be ourselves and continue on our journey of healing, transformation, and growth. We can authentically be ourselves - and just by doing that - we support our Sisters.
“If a critical thought came in I would ask, ‘Could I say this to someone I cared about?’ ”
One of the three Themes inspired by Liz’s Story is:
Being Your Own Best Friend
Truth time. How are you stacking up as a best friend for yourself? If your were in a lineup, would you even choose yourself as best friend material? Why or why not?
So, here is the dill pickles… whether you would or you wouldn’t pick yourself is just information. What you do with the information, now that is important. Are you gonna beat yourself up even more? Or are you going to love this side of yourself so deeply that she feels safe enough to quiet down?
I choose option number 2. Let’s be nice to her. This internal critic, she came into being for very good reasons. She was created to keep us safe, but somehow her efforts became misguided, and she began to view staying safe equal to staying small. The smaller we are, the less our light shines, the more our greatness has to fly under the radar. Or so we’ve been led to believe up until now.
No surprise that one of Liz’s Sacred Play Suggestions is titled, BFF Letter.
Try it. Open up to yourself and be really honest about how you are dimming your light. You can do this by writing yourself a letter. You can talk out loud while you are driving. Shoot, put your earbuds in and walk around the grocery store while employing a little empowered elocution. One benefit of so much technology is that we are completely used to seeing people walking and talking to themselves in almost every environment. No one would think twice.
Get clear on why this internal critic is there. See where she has held you back. See where she has tried to keep you safe. Now, let her know she’s been promoted and her new job is to observe… silently. Tell her that you are in charge and it is safe to shine, shine, shine!
“No matter who you are, how strong you are, or what you’ve done… nothing is ever too big or too small to matter to someone.”
When we share with someone we not only receive... we give. That’s right. Think how amazing you feel when someone trusts you enough to open up. Same thing goes when that favor is returned.
Soul-to-Sisterhood is filled with this message. Open up and know that your truth offers healing opportunities beyond your wildest dreams.
Take a look at those stunning stones and call in some perspective. Mookaite can also support us in gaining clarity around things in our lives that are asking to shift. If some insight has come forward around how you treat yourself, sit with it for a sec.
Breathe some more and know:
Nothing has to be immediate.
Nothing has to be perfect.
Nothing has to happen in a vacuum.
Remember… You are NOT alone.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and learn more about Soul-to-Sisterhood while you learn more about yourself.
Be sure to stay connected.
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Like always, get your arms around your own shoulders and squeeze.
Hug yourself for all that you have done, all that you are doing, and all that you will do.
Have a great day!