Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Welcome Soul Family
Thank you.
Thank you for hearing the ancient voice of your Inner Knowing.
Scroll down. See what gets the fire in your belly burning. Look over the Modules and Sacred Circles. No matter the topic, each beautiful Ceremony will include connections to Mother Moon, Mother Earth, your Higher Self, and a Group Soul in order to activate the knowing held within the layers of your Feminine Consciousness.
To give you a little back story, this curriculum is entirely dedicated to my teacher, Vicki Noble. Her work, dedication, research, & teachings have inspired me to share this Ancient-Future Wisdom in connective and joyful ways.
As you read through the offerings below, pay attention to yourself. What do your senses tell you? How do you feel in your body and on your skin? Listen to your intuition and instincts. Are you being beckoned by the fires of rebirth and renewal?
If so, think about this Sacred Commitment.
The full curriculum includes 29 Sacred Circles broken up into 9 Modules. If it all feels like a fit, Blessed Be! However, maybe one module speaks to you more than another… or only a few weeks feel in alignment for right now…
Get in touch. Together, we can birth forth a relationship to this journey that honors you and your timeline in the best and highest way.
Explore Genevieve Vaughan’s groundbreaking concept of the Maternal Gift Economy.
Reconnect to your Ancient Paleolithic Self and re-remember your Divinity with the voluminous work of Lithuanian Archeologist, Marija Gimbutas.
Discover your Ancient Neolithic sensuality and pleasure as you reclaim your Goddess language with the stunning work of Riane Eisler.
With Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Healing teachings, align and attune your layers of consciousness to integrate this Divine Feminine Wisdom.
Invite your Inner Crone into the container of your Cyclical awareness and allow this wise Woman’s powerful wisdom to become present.
Feel your Inner Maiden’s fresh, fierce energy and honor her for her strength, determination, and wisdom.
With comfort and compassion, embrace your Inner Mothering energies to more deeply understand your human Mother, yourself as a Mother, and the great Mothering energies available to us.
Howl and release all that is not in alignment with your wild, sensual Inner Enchantress.
Go back through the ethers and love your girl self into womanhood as you hold your own hand through the time of your first bleed.
Explore the ceremonies and rituals of Women coming together to psychically vision for the health and well-being of their people.
Honor your body - and your Sacred Contract as an incarnate Woman - who has come forth to birth new life into being.
With the wisdom of the Four Directions, experience a visceral embodiment of gratitude for our Moon Pause.
Consciously weave the Dreamscape to amplify empowered wisdom coming in through the Dream narrative.
Commune with your loyal Animal Spirits for guidance, protection, and direction.
Acknowledge your inherent wisdom for journeying beyond the Physical Realm to access healing and transformation.
Recognize your Inner Medicine Woman - and Healer, Heal Thyself - with Song, Movement, and Magick.
Open your heart, relax your body, and soften your mind to repossess this Divine Inheritance.
Stand in ecstatic understanding of the potential for Divine Bliss through sexual intimacy.
Honor and Activate your capacities for bliss with healing from the Elements.
Compassionately witness your Earth Walk while simultaneously transforming and healing the bloodline.
Hold and love your infant self to energetically gift her the sustenance needed to traverse the landscape of being you.
Dance with the Archetypes of the Masculine and learn how to identify the Mature and Immature aspects.
With Unconditional Love, ask the collective energies for guidance and grace on how to functionally hold the over and under identification of the Shadow Masculine.
Invite the Divine Feminine to support you as you gently offer compassion and understanding to both internal and external Masculine energies.
Partner with Crystalline Wisdom and Ascended Masters to bring forth love, light, and actualization to these Energy Centers.
Connect to your Highest Self and download Activations for these Centers on and of the body.
Merge with the energies of the directions, elements, and colors to access Ancient Wisdom for inter-dimensional healing and Ascension.
Recognize the directions and desires of theses Tibetan Masters and honor their Unconditional Presence within your life.
“In a world of deadlines, playdates, and digital demigods, I found Divine Mommy YoniVersity 101 to be my sanctuary…. My place to go within and refill my cup - while empowering me to hold space for my fellow sisters. A year ago, when I started this, I had no idea what I was walking into. My heart has been opened and sealed back together again with the golden light of self- love and self-acceptance. Wounds have been healed and strengths have been solidified. The Sisters I have met in this group come from all walks of life, and even now I can call on any one of them to hold me when I am down and to celebrate with me when I am up… AND I love that I get to do the same for them. For this I am forever grateful!” – Shelby I.