Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Lynn is the CEO and founder of Sarafresh juice and she is an unstoppable force of positivity in the world. Lynn spreads goodness, health, happiness, and hugs everywhere she goes while nourishing the community with her award-winning juices. Starting with a personal cleanse that was amplified by her powerful knowledge of nutrition, Lynn’s business came about in the most organic of ways. As others began to notice Lynn’s shifts towards healing, requests for Lynn to create personalized handmade cleanses and juice blends for friends and family came rolling in. Starting in her home kitchen, healing one bottle at a time, she is now, seven years later, creating over 30,000 bottles of juice per year! Lynn is also a well-known and well-loved leader in her local community. With over two decades of sobriety, Lynn sponsors many women through the AA Program and lives by the AA principle of only being able to keep that which you give away. Reflecting deeper, Lynn feels that being a sponsor not only reminds her of where she has been but provides an opportunity to offer and model hope. Lynn truly believes that modeling hope is her Divine Purpose and she extends this grace of possibility in her business model by hiring recovering addicts to be a part of her professional family. Ever grateful, Lynn identifies that through her business, she is showing her two daughters that they can genuinely create the life they want, whatever that may be. She wants people to know that we all can become leaders and we can all become way-showers for our communities. In addition, Lynn wants us all to know that this level of leadership can be extremely fun because our lives, and how we live them, are completely up to us.
A favorite quote, and one she lives by, is from her birthday buddy, Albert Einstein:
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
You can find Lynn her and learn more about her amazing juices at:
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And, on Instagram: @sarafreshjuice