Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Jamie loves being outside, barefoot around a fire. She also loves working in her garden, making jewelry, singing, reading, and cooking delicious Vegan food. Her biggest accomplishments, which include both of the loves of her life, are her daughter and her marriage. A close second to those are her work with her organization, Divine Mommy. Jamie comes from a strong line of creative and passionate women on both her mother’s and her father’s side. As a generous friend, daughter, mother, niece, and granddaughter, many of those in her inner circle are gifted with lovingly handmade items that reflect this honoring of the women who have come before her. Jamie loves to travel and study the feminist her-story perspectives of Goddess The(a)logy. She has studied with Vicki Noble, Riane Eisler, and Brooke Medicine Eagle and feels passionately about sharing the roots of egalitarian, interdependent living that was simultaneously creative, peaceful, harmonious, and successful. As a healer, she is consistently striving to release her own ego patterns of wounding and habituated dysfunction so that she may more fully and authentically step into her Divine Purpose. Jamie feels very passionately about Animal Rights, Earth’s Rights, Women’s Rights, Children’s Rights, Human Rights, and the healing of the archetypal energies of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine so that the new nuclear, and bi-nuclear family, can respectfully and lovingly include all beings. You can learn more about her work at:, &