Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Humans supporting Humans with Acceptance, Love, and Shared Wisdom under the Transformative Energy of the Divine Feminine.
Jacki has always been emphatic and intuitive. Even as a very young child growing up in the rural area of South Florida, she would receive messages and visions. When she was young, her gifts scared her… but with age also comes wisdom, and now she has learned to channel and embrace these wonderful abilities. Today, as an open Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium Life Guide, Reiki Master, Writer, and Inspirational Speaker, Jacki loves helping people expand their worlds, showing them how to reconnect to their inner essence and embrace who they are while learning how to free themselves from whatever is holding them back. Jacki loves to be in nature and feels that this connection is a huge missing piece in modern living. With nature being one of the biggest keys to a grounded and connected life, Jacki works daily to maintain her connection so that she can stay strong and grounded. Knowing we all make mistakes; Jacki seeks to teach with the question: ‘are they truly mistakes or are they lessons from the Universe put in our path to help us learn and grow?’ Jacki lives by the principle that judgements and criticisms reflect a lack of self-love and does not let other’s opinions bother her. She feels many of us spend too much time in negative patterns of self-judgment and self-criticism and that when are always looking for what is wrong or something to blame, we are taking away our own power. After much study, Jacki knows that living this way can have long term effects on physical, emotional, and mental health. Because of this, she is very passionate about a more holistic approach to living, loving, and being. She also feels that only with love and compassion will we truly find out who we are. To her, this is the cornerstone of being an evolved and connected being. Jacki has had the honor of raising three amazing and unique children. In raising a daughter, she was dedicated to teaching her the values of feminine strength and feminine empowerment. In raising her two sons, she was dedicated to creating an environment where they could honestly express their emotions. Jacki wants all of her children to know their value, to stand strong in their independence, to respect themselves, and to honor their integrity. She also hopes her children and grandchild embrace love and life with joy and innocence- always being kind, respectful, and of course, connected to Mother Earth. Being the person that friends and family go to during stress and difficult times, Jacki has always had a gift of deep understanding for people’s experiences, saying what needs to be said, and offering different perspectives for healing and transformation. In addition, Jacki values her own healing transformation. She spent years living in fear and anxiety. Today, she has learned to fully embrace and enjoy the small things… a beautiful sunset, the laughter of a child, waves lapping on the shore… these things that money cannot buy are her currency for inner peace and joy. To learn more about Jacki and to work with her, you can check out her blog posts and you tube videos at: and She offers Private Readings, Intuitive Life Guidance, Re-Connecting to Self Retreats, and Inspirational Public Speaking. Her book, “Living for Balanced Mental Health” will be available next Fall.